Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan gave an update on the fourth installment of Krrish three years ago, in 2021. However, it had been a while since the filmmakers had provided an update on the film. However, director Siddharth Anand revealed the fourth installment of the superhero franchise in a fresh tweet.
Rakesh launched the Krrish franchise with his 2003 sci-fi drama Koi… Mil Gaya, starring Hrithik and Preity Zinta. It focused on Rohit, a young man with a mental impairment who befriends an alien named Jadoo. Following the film’s box-office success, Roshan produced two sequels, Krrish (2006) and Krrish 3 (2013).
Hrithik Roshan’s movie, Krrish holds a special place in everyone’s hearts. Siddharth Anand, the filmmaker, has revealed Hrithik Roshan will reprise his role as the protagonist in the fourth part.
After a social media page uploaded a poster of Roshan in his Krrish getup with the caption, ‘He’s coming,’ Anand reacted, “Yep, he is.”
Earlier, In a report, Mid-day claimed that Rakesh and Hrithik Roshan, father and son, are working hard to develop an innovative and fresh concept for the upcoming film. While Roshan is presently filming War 2, the script for Krrish 4 is rumoured to be in advanced stages. The team intends to begin filming the film by next year.