Recent reports claim that Salman Khan will file a defamation lawsuit against stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra for making jokes about the actor’s personality. When Kamra was confronted about the whole issue he refused to apologize for his remarks. But according to reports, the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor has no plans to sue Kunal over derogatory jokes he cracked about him.
#Watch what Kunal Kamra said to Salman
But why Salman Khan isn’t suing Kunal Kamra?
A close friend of Salman Khan says, ” If he (Salman Khan) sued everyone who abused him, he would be in and out of courtrooms. Over the years, Salman has come to terms with his controversial attackable image. He knows mentioning his name, especially in a derogatory context, gets attention. So no, he isn’t suing this guy (Kunal Kamra)”. Adding to it he says,” his father, Salim Khan, conunsels him (Salman) to ignore insults. Salim saab tells Salman they are just a way of grabbing attention.”
Responding to KRK’s allegations, this is how Kunal Kamara slashed back
I am not a flying bird or a stationary footpath & I don’t apologies for jokes anymore…
— Kunal Kamra (@kunalkamra88) March 29, 2024
Kunal was seen taking potshots at Salman during one of his recent shows, and the video was itself shared by self- proclaimed film critic Kamaal R Khan aka KRK on X recently. After KRK said Salman is planning to file a defamation case against Kunal, this is what the comedian tweeted, “I am not a flying bird or a stationary footpath and I don’t apologies for jokes anymore…”.
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